Seven interesting facts about the Netherlands that might surprise you


Let’s explore them!

The Netherlands is one of the most famous and well-recognised countries in the world – and that goes without saying. The Netherlands is also very well known to Poles – after all, hundreds of thousands of our compatriots reside permanently or temporarily in the country of tulips and windmills. Few people realise, however, that the Netherlands, apart from its well-known symbols or people, has many much less well-known phenomena and facts. In this article, we take a closer look at what we believe are the 7 most interesting ones. Enjoy your reading!

Interesting fact #1: the most popular delicacy in the Netherlands is… liquorice

It will certainly come as a surprise to many readers, but the most loved delicacy in the Netherlands is liquorice. For everyday consumption, it is usually produced in the form of candies or jellies, which are simply adored by people in the Netherlands. It is worth mentioning that the root of this plant has been known in this country for generations. This is because it has many healing properties and has been used in natural medicine for centuries, especially to treat respiratory diseases.

Although it comes in many varieties, liquorice is most commonly consumed in four variants – a mix of sweet and salty with the hard and soft types. Generally speaking, however, the liquorice flavour can be described as bittersweet, yet gently tingling on the tongue. The popularity of liquorice is surprising given that many people find its taste simply… not very appealing. The Dutch, however, have taken a liking to this delicacy and lead the world in its consumption (on average, the Dutch eat as much as 4 kilograms per person per year). Outside the Netherlands, however, it does not get as much attention – which is why it is a kind of curiosity and a unique phenomenon.

Interesting fact #2: The Netherlands has a very rich alcohol tradition

Few people also realise that the Dutch, perceived as a relatively calm and composed nation, have… one of the most interesting alcoholic traditions in the whole of Europe. First of all, we should point out that it was in the Netherlands that the internationally popular gin was invented back in the 16th century. It was created by, surprise, surprise… a doctor! Sylvius de Bouve, the man in question, produced the first juniper strain called jenever almost five hundred years ago, which is considered to be the first beverage that most closely resembles today’s gin. He obviously created it for medicinal purposes – the juniper berries from which the mixture was created have healing properties for treating fever, as well as many diseases of the internal organs. Mixed with grain spirit, however, juniper oil became so popular that it was massively bought out of pharmacies. Recognising a business opportunity, the Bols family decided to mass-produce the drink for the first time – though no longer as a medicine, but as alcohol.

In addition to the production and popularisation of the gin, the Netherlands also has a rich history in the context of other spirits, mainly beers. Indeed, to this day, the Netherlands exports the second-largest number of beers worldwide. Many popular brands of this drink also originate from the land of windmills – such as the famous Grolsch or Heineken, beers that can be found in almost every shop, including in Poland.

Interesting fact #3: The Netherlands is well known for the popularity of bicycles

Exactly right – the bicycle is as popular here as cars are in our country. There are as many as five million (!) more bikes here than there are inhabitants, which shows how popular they are in the Netherlands. This gives an average of 1.3 bicycles per inhabitant – there are 22 million bikes here and only 17 million citizens.

Such a great interest in bicycles was bound to meet with an adequate response from the local authorities – the Netherlands is a true paradise for cyclists with as many as 37,000 kilometres of cycle paths. In addition, on average, every Dutch citizen cycles 3 kilometres every day, which is the best result in Europe. This brings us to another interesting fact about the Netherlands…

Interesting fact #4: The Dutch are one of the most physically fit nations in Europe

Given that the Dutch spend so much time cycling, it should come as no surprise that they are one of the most fit nations in Europe. As many as more than half (56%) of the Dutch do some form of physical activity at least once a week. Considering the average of all European countries, which is only 40% of those who engage in physical activity, this places the Netherlands in a really high position. This, of course, has consequences in other areas of life too – the Dutch are one of the healthiest nations globally.

Interesting fact #5: The Netherlands is a country full of unusual architectural and design solutions

Another interesting fact is that architecture and design in the Netherlands can surprise on many levels. For example, the whole of Amsterdam is built on wooden poles, due to the sinking bogs. These wooden pillars give the buildings stability and resistance to landslides.

Another architectural curiosity is that there are as many as 1,281 bridges in the Netherlands – one of the highest number in Europe. What’s more, it can be considered a design curiosity that hardly any flat in the Netherlands will have curtains or drapes. The nation is well-known for its openness, resulting precisely in transparent window space.

Interesting fact #6: The Netherlands is not only a country of windmills, but also of… tulips

Our list of the most inspiring interesting facts about the Netherlands could not, of course, fail to mention the Netherlands’ most popular flower, the… tulip. Alongside its association with the plant, this country is home to the largest flower park in the world, which is mainly composed of… tulips, naturally. Keukenhof, the garden in question, is a 32-hectare garden that is open for several months each spring. This one of the most interesting tourist attractions in the Netherlands is now more than 50 years old and continues to attract tourists from all over the world. It really is worth seeing!

Interesting fact #7: the Netherlands is home to as many as… 1,000 windmills

We simply could not fail to mention perhaps the most interesting symbol of the Netherlands, the… windmills. Today, there are about 1,000 of them left and they continue to impress tourists from all over the globe. There are two types of windmills: drainage windmills and industrial windmills. Due to the waterlogged terrain, the windmills were used to drain the soil so that the flooded areas could be inhabited.

Windmills have been known in the Netherlands for centuries. It was not until the steam engine that they began to be replaced by newer machines. It is interesting to note that, to this day, many brand names, products, streets, and places have the term “windmill” in their root word, so the symbol will certainly remain in the memory of the Dutch for many years to come.

We have presented above what we think are the 7 most interesting facts about the Netherlands. Do you know any inspiring stories related to the Netherlands? Share them in the comments or on our social media!

This is the new version of Us


We are pleased to announce that after 14 years of existence, we have changed the name of our agency from Link2europe to Link2work. Our reorganization is due to a change in the ownership structure of the company.

Therefore, only the name and e-mail address have changed, while all other data remains unchanged.

This evolution of the company means a new brand, which we create and proudly present as a company under the name Link2work. 

From now on, you can find the jobs you are interested in faster. The new search engine is available on every page and subpage, and you can easily find an offer for a specific job position in the country of your choice.

As always, you can apply for a position quickly and efficiently by filling in a contact form or by applying without a CV.

When looking for a job abroad from now on, you have a page dedicated to jobs in Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany. The recommendation system, on the other hand, is an offer of additional earnings for people who want to recommend their friends for work.

For those wishing to start cooperating with us, we have created a special subpage “For employers”, which makes it easier to contact us via the form provided.

We are convinced that there are many more advantages than those mentioned in this article, and we want you to see for yourself‼

Corona Crisis in Belgium


The beginning

The Corona crisis appeared at the worst possible moment for our company. The tire change season was about to begin and we were expecting 60 tire fitters to arrive in the second half of March. Everything was buttoned up.

Several fitters arrived and started to work in the second week of March before the borders were closed.

Of course, in the beginning of February we all knew about the spooky virus circulating in China that could easily spread. We just didn’t know when and with what force it would hit Belgium. On the 4th  of February the first official corona case was announced in the media. It was a Belgian man repatriated from Wuhan. He was immediately put in quarantine and consisted no danger to the public health. As days passed,  more and more cases were being reported. Public fears started to raise across the country. We have started to receive information from various sources on how different companies were putting together strategies for the coming weeks. Meetings and trainings were being cancelled.

As the health and safety of our employees has always been a top priority for us, we had to be quick to take preventative and protective measures as well.

On Monday March 16, we agreed on a new work schedule. From then on, maximum 2 people could be at our Bornem office at the same time. The rest of our team, which consists of 13 people, had to pack and from then on work from home.

The Belgian landscape in times of pandemic

On Tuesday March 17 the Belgian Security Council announced a series of new strict measures: only essential commute was allowed. Non-essential shops were closed and a ban on gatherings came into force.  The world suddenly became a different place.  The streets became empty, restaurants and pubs closed. The traffic problem was suddenly solved. People are wearing masks on the streets and stopped breathing when a stranger passes by. You still meet your friends in bigger groups for a glass of wine and a good scrabble game, except that now it is online. Sport events disappeared from the surface of the earth until who knows when. Your phone is being flooded with dozens of GIFs, memes, videos about people and toilet paper or people being bored in quarantine. Sometimes funny, at times not really. When you look around in your neighborhood you notice many white clothes hanging from the windows as a sign of gratitude towards the medical personnel who work extremely hard these days.

The new measures were challenging for the businesses that remained open and often extremely busy  such as grocery stores. Every supermarket took on a slightly different approach to the challenge, which may be confusing for their clients. Some hired an external security company to disinfect trolleys and distribute single use latex gloves, some are letting only one family member in and some smaller shops do everything what they can to keep the social distance between people. Now that the hoarding wave has passed some calm has returned, while shelves of key supplies remain largely understocked.

Life at Link2Europe

As from March 17 we all work from home and harder than ever to provide service and support to our candidates and clients. In the last week our main focus was directed towards our candidates, who as the result of the measures, lost their jobs and decided to stay in Belgium. Our sales did everything they could to find new clients and provide new jobs to as many workers as possible. We have already booked a success in that regard, but it will remain our focal point for the coming weeks. Another important focus has been communication.  We believe that staying correctly informed in this uncertain times is crucial. We have been sending all the necessary updates to the clients, candidates and our international recruiting partners in multiple languages on a regular basis. At the same time we have to ensure that all the administration is correctly done, and that our daily regular tasks are performed.  We hold daily calls at 9:00 and 15:30 to exchange our updates, successes and challenges. And although we see each other on a little screen and hear a robotic disrupted sound at times, we feel the team spirit more than ever before.  

What will the future bring

Much remains uncertain these days. There are at this moment 7284 corona cases registered in Belgium. This afternoon we will hear again from the Belgian Security Council. It’s expected that the measures will be prolonged.

The one certainty remains that this epidemic already has dreadful consequences to the world’s economy and thus to the labor market, which will need years to rebuilt and come back to its pre-crisis shape. Although many jobs are disappearing as many companies reduce their capacities, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Link2Europe remains active and researches new opportunities in Belgium for all those who are willing to enrich their international career experience. At the same time we continue to support Belgian industries in order to help them in achieving their goals.

In the meantime, we encourage everyone to stay healthy, stay informed, stay reasonable and trust that a better day awaits in a not distant future.

Hospitals in Belgium: what to expect?


Ending up in a hospital bed while you are abroad can be quite upsetting. It’s better to know in advance where you can go to find the right help, what it will cost you, and what else you can expect. Whether you need standard medical treatment or emergency assistance, this information could be lifesaving.

Choosing the right hospital

In Belgium, you can visit any specialist in a private, public or university hospital or polyclinic. Yet, not every insurance plan will cover this, so it’s better to check this beforehand with your health insurer. Are you looking for general or specialized care? You may want to ask your general practitioner (GP) for advice or a referral. Although a doctor’s referral is not always required, this could decrease the delays significantly.

The costs of a hospital stay

For in-patient-services, hospital fees vary according to your economic and domestic status, whether you choose a shared or single room and the length of your stay. Your insurer may only cover the costs of the medical treatment and not the hospital fee for daily care. So, make sure you know what you’re in for.

For outpatient care, you can rely on emergency services for immediate treatment. However, you should not use these on a regular basis or as an alternative for medical appointments with your GP. If you use emergency services without a referral, the costs may be higher and partly nonrefundable. So, only use those for urgent matters. Most medical practices have a doctor on call for emergencies.

Life-threatening emergencies: call 112

In case of a medical emergency, call 112 for an ambulance. The emergency vehicle will take the patient to the nearest hospital with an emergency department. Be aware that public insurance does not cover the €60 cost of emergency transport, while private health insurance does.

Upon arrival, you’ll be asked to identify yourself via your eID so the hospital staff can check whether you are insured. If you have private insurance, make sure you bring the necessary documents. Depending on your insurance policy, you may be asked to pay a deposit and the outstanding amount when you leave the hospital. You will be – completely or partially – reimbursed by your health insurer afterwards, depending on the extent of your policy.

Looking for a hospital?

For a hospital near you, review a list of Belgium’s main hospitals.

In case of an emergency, getting the right medical care can be lifesaving. So is being well-informed! Here at Link2Europe, we are happy to help you. Get in touch!

What makes a good CV and how to nail a job interview


When it comes to finding a job in Belgium, it’s all about first impressions. You definitely want your resume to stand out and open the door for a job interview. In today’s job market it is vital to know how to ‘sell’ yourself. Easier said than done, right? These useful tips will help get you started.

What makes a good CV?

First, throw out your “old” CV and start from scratch. When applying for a job in Belgium, it’s crucial to have a CV that fits the Belgian market in both style and language. The latter is quite a sensitive issue: should you write in Dutch, French or German, the three official languages of Belgium? It all depends on where you want to work.

If you are applying for a job in Flanders, choose Dutch, and opt for French when you wish to work in Wallonia. In the bilingual capital of Brussels, you can use both, but we recommend using the same language as the job application or to check with the company whether an English CV is suitable. Better to be safe than sorry. Above all, try to avoid spelling and grammar mistakes, as most employers find it a real turnoff. There’s no harm in asking a native speaker to check your CV beforehand.

Don’t get lost in the details

Bear in mind that your CV is not supposed to be a biographical narrative. The trick is to keep it short and to the point. Don’t bore employers with too many details, but accurately highlight your skills and experience. It immediately shows your ability to focus on what’s important. You can add a photo, but this is usually not required. If you do so, make sure you look professional.

When drafting your CV, always work in reverse chronological order, meaning the most recent first, and opt for a simple, readable font. Remember it’s not a school art project, so go easy on the colors and flair. More importantly, a CV should look sharp and structured. As a rule of thumb, Belgian resumes are structured as follows:

  • Your personal details: name, address, date of birth, telephone number, e-mail address, marital status, nationality;
  • Your education: educational institutions, dates, course title and grades;
  • Work experience: company names, the positions you held and key responsibilities/accomplishments;
  • Language skills and levels: mention both your active and passive knowledge;
  • Extracurricular activities: as these can reveal something about your personal skills and interests, things like hobbies, volunteer work, …;
  • References: names of former employers, lecturers, etc. who can vouch for your excellence.

You can find many templates for well-structured resumes online, for example, by the Flemish job organization VDAB.

Don’t forget your cover letter

In Belgium, resumes are usually combined with a cover letter explaining your specific motivation for seeking the job. It’s not an easy task if you are not a skilled writer, but remember to keep it short. Explain why you think you are the right person for the job and what attracted you in the application. How are you planning to use your skills in this particular job? Don’t just copy-paste old cover letters; make them stand out by tailoring it to the job in question. VDAB also provides good examples of cover letters that you can use.

How to behave during a job interview

If your resume gets selected, you’ll be invited for an interview. Prepare yourself for the interview by scanning through the website of the company and coming up with some interesting questions to ask. Think about your answers to some straightforward questions, such as: “why do you want to work here?” and “why are you the right person for the job?” Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. The interview is a chance to show how you use your social skills to handle tricky situations.

When it comes down to the interview, make sure you look and act your best:

  • Dress appropriately depending on the company and the job you are applying for.
  • Avoid being late and remember to shake hands when meeting new people.
  • Always keep it formal, even during small talk.
  • Present yourself with confidence, but don’t be arrogant.
  • Respond honestly to the questions.
  • Stay positive about yourself and past employers.
  • Give examples that accurately demonstrate your knowledge or capabilities.

Ready to turn words into action? Find job vacancies that are right up your alley and start applying today! Check out our job openings at Link2Europe!

Getting to Belgium: comparing your transportation options


Finding your way to Belgium is far from a trek through Nepal. But before moving here, it’s important to explore the many roads to the nation of waffles, Trappist beer and great career opportunities. From plane and train to automobile, you have plenty of options – and we explore their ins and outs in this blog post.

Did you know?

By foot, getting from Warsaw to Brussels would take you around 32 days if you spent 8 hours per day walking.

Traveling by plane

If speed is your priority, flying to Belgium is the best mode for you. A non-stop flight from Warsaw to Brussels – the capital of Belgium and the European Union – lasts around 2 hours and 10 minutes. Many different airlines, including economy companies like Ryanair and Wizzair, offer both non-stop and connecting flights to and from Warsaw and Kraków on a regular basis. Flights between Łódź and Brussels, however, are more expensive and less frequent.

Traveling by plane

If speed is your priority, flying to Belgium is the best mode for you. A non-stop flight from one of the Polish airports to Brussels – the capital of Belgium and the European Union – lasts around 2 hours. Many different airlines, including economy companies like Ryanair and Wizzair, offer both non-stop and connecting flights to and from Warsaw, Kraków, Gdansk, Poznan, Katowice, Wroclaw and Lublin on a regular basis. There are two airports in Belgium: Brussels Zaventem and Brussels Charleroi and one in Eindhoven in Holland only 25 km from the Belgian border. Before booking your flight check which airport will be the most convenient for you. At Brussels Airport in Zaventem, you’ll have rapid train access to every major city in Belgium. Other airports provide shuttle busses to the train stations.

Time: ~2 hours

Total cost: EUR 110 (average price for economy seating)

Pros: speedy!

Cons: unless you want to pay, bringing lots of stuff with you is not an option. If you have a large family, costs for flights and baggage add up very quickly. Also not the best when it comes to negative impacts on the environment. You may also have to deal with flight delays, cancellations and overbookings.

Traveling by train

For the best balance between speed and price, riding the rails may be the mode for you. Even more, taking the train is a very eco-friendly option and offers more space and luxury than a plane at a fraction of the cost. 12 trains with connections to Brussels leave from Warsaw Centralna station per day. You can opt for one-day ride, or stay overnight in Berlin or Cologne, Germany. Travelling through Prague will be your cheapest option, but it will take longer. Keep in mind that you will have to change trains between 3 to 8 times no matter which route you choose.

Time: ~17 Warsaw, Poland hours

Total cost: EUR 70 (average price for economy seating)

Pros: eco-friendly, low-cost and high-quality transport – complete with dining cars and even bar options. Upgrading to a higher-class ticket isn’t nearly as expensive as you may think.

Cons: takes longer and involves multiple train changes and potential hotel costs if staying overnight. Pack light – you’ll be moving around a lot.

Traveling by car

Do you prefer to stay in control of your route, schedule, stops and speed? Traveling with kids? Have plenty of baggage? Going by car might be the best mode for you. Driving from Warsaw to Brussels takes about 13 hours, from Łódź, 12 hours and from Kraków, 12.5 hours – this, of course, if you don’t stop or run into traffic.

Time: ~12.5 hours

Total cost: EUR 115 in fuel (at an average price of EUR 1.30/litre and a fuel efficiency of 6 litres per 100 km)

Pros: you have the most freedom and control.

Cons: fuel costs and pollution add up. You could also run into unforeseen traffic, detours, road works, accidents and more along your route. Plan for potential delays, especially around larger cities in Germany.

Are you moving your belongings from Poland to Belgium? There are a number of international moving companies that can help. Alternatively, you can hire a truck from an international vehicle rental company and drop it off in Belgium when you’ve finished your move. There are also many sources of household goods across Belgium – from freecycling opportunities and second-hand shops to high-end luxury stores.

Gdzie pracować za granicą: 4 rzeczy do rozważenia


Chciałbyś pracować za granicą, ale nie wiesz dokładnie gdzie? Przedstawiamy parę informacji, które pomogą Ci podjąć decyzję!

Praca za granicą, zwłaszcza w Europie Zachodniej, to świetna okazja do zdobycia nowego doświadczenia, doszlifowania języka obcego. Może też być opłacalna pod względem finansowym i jednocześnie umożliwić zaoszczędzenie pieniędzy lub zdobycie dodatkowych środków pieniężnych na pomoc rodzinie. Jednym z dylematów, przed którym staje wiele osób chcących wyjechać do pracy za granicę, jest decyzja, który kraj wybrać? W którym kraju będzie się najlepiej żyło i który kraj da najlepsze możliwości na realizację długoterminowych celów? Przygotowaliśmy dla Was listę kilku istotnych kwestii do rozważenia.

1. Ile będę zarabiał vs koszty utrzymania

Oczywistym i często pierwszym powodem, dla którego większość osób decyduje się wyjechać do pracy za granicę, są większe zarobki, niż te oferowane w kraju ojczystym. W Belgii, na przykład, średnia pensja kierowcy ciężarówki wynosi pomiędzy 1400 euro – 2000 euro netto miesięcznie. Wynagrodzenie uzależnione jest od ilości przepracowanych godzin. W Holandii średnie pensje kierowców są bardzo podobne.

Nie zapominajmy jednak, że stawka godzinowa to nie wszystko. Ważne jest, aby przeanalizować także koszt życia w danym kraju! Czynsz w miastach takich jak Londyn czy Amsterdam, może osiągać astronomiczne sumy. Przykładowo, wynajem nieumeblowanego mieszkania w Amsterdamie może Cię wynieść 600- 725 euro miesięcznie, w Londynie tylko umeblowane – 1700 euro, a w Brukseli, za nieumeblowane mieszkanie zapłacisz 500- 700 euro.

Jeżeli planujesz wyjazd do pracy sezonowej i nie chcesz samodzielnie wynajmować mieszkania, postaraj się znaleźć agencję, która daje możliwość tymczasowego zakwaterowania. Na pewno zapewni Ci to dobry start w nowym kraju i będzie korzystne pod względem kosztów.

2. Równowaga: praca a życie osobiste

Zarabianie pieniędzy jest super, ale czy za wszelką cenę? Warto przeanalizować, jak w danym kraju przedstawia się nastawienie do pracy i czasu wolnego. Dobrze jest sprawdzić:

Ile wynosi średni tygodniowy wymiar pracy?
Jakie są przepisy prawne dotyczące nadgodzin?
Ile dni wakacji będzie Ci przysługiwało?
W Belgii tydzień pracy trwa średnio 38 godzin, a pracownik, który przepracował pełny rok kalendarzowy, ma prawo do 20 dni urlopu. Do tego dochodzi 10 oficjalnych, płatnych dni świątecznych. Belgowie bardzo sobie cenią tzw. work life balance.

A co jeśli nie interesuje Cię czas wolny i chcesz zarobić, jak najwięcej? Możliwość pracy w godzinach nadliczbowych zależy od sektora, w którym pracujesz. Pamiętaj jednak, że nawet jeśli dany sektor zezwala na pracę w nadgodzinach, to nie jest to możliwe w każdej firmie. Jeśli chodzi o stronę prawną, to w Belgii, można przepracować maksymalnie 180 godzin nadliczbowych rocznie.

3. Standard życia

Za granicą nie tylko będziesz pracować. Będziesz musiał również zagospodarować swój czas wolny – czas na zaspokojenie podstawowych potrzeb oraz czas na zasłużony relaks. Przed wyjazdem zapoznaj się z miejscowym standardem życia i przekonaniami. Dowiedz się, jakie są typowe potrawy narodowe w państwie, do którego chcesz wyjechać. Jak jego mieszkańcy lubią spędzać czas wolny, jakie są główne wydarzenia kulturalne i imprezy rozrywkowe. Jaki jest ich światopogląd – czy są otwarci na różne kultury i religie oraz jak przedstawia się sytuacja polityczna i gospodarcza tego kraju. Część z tych informacji może wydawać Ci się nieistotna w tym momencie, ale jeśli planujesz wyjazd długoterminowy, to naprawdę warto to sprawdzić!

Wiele krajów europejskich ma silne społeczności tzw. ekspatów, czyli grup ludzi innego pochodzenia, którzy przyjechali do danego kraju w celach pracy. Nie mamy wątpliwości, że wyjeżdżając do nowego kraju, znajdziesz grupę swoich rodaków, którzy będą chętni pomóc Ci w integracji i w przystosowaniu się do życia w nowym państwie, abyś mógł poczuć się jak u siebie. Weźmy na przykład polską społeczność w Belgii. W internecie aż roi się od różnych forów i grup. Znajdziesz tam wskazówki, co zrobić, żeby poczuć się w nowym kraju jak w domu. Niemniej jednak gorąco namawiamy do tego, aby integrować się z rdzennymi mieszkańcami kraju, do którego wyjeżdżasz. Nie tylko poznasz wtedy ten kraj od kuchni, ale także poprawisz swój język i nawiążesz wspaniałe przyjaźnie. Lokalni mieszkańcy na pewno docenią Twoje starania.

4. Opieka zdrowotna

Wiele z nas zastanawia się, a co jeśli zachoruję? Czy będę mógł się leczyć i jakiego rzędu koszty będę musiał ponieść. Mówi się, że lepiej zapobiegać, niż leczyć, dlatego sprawdź zasady opieki zdrowotnej kraju, do którego się przeprowadzasz. Większość krajów zachodnio-europejskich ma dobry i cenowo przystępny system opieki zdrowotnej. Weźmy ponownie, na warsztat Belgię. Ubezpieczenie zdrowotne jest tu obowiązkowe. Koszt nie jest duży, a ponadto nawet do 75% kosztów leczenia jest zawracane przez kasę chorych. I co ważne, zazwyczaj nie trzeba czekać w długich kolejkach! Tu naprawdę, nie musisz martwić się o żadne niepowodzenia medyczne i możesz w pełni skupić się na swojej nowej pracy i żyć pełnią życia.

Według nas Belgia jest świetnym krajem do pracy i życia. Chciałbyś dowiedzieć się więcej? Zobacz, jak Link2work może Ci pomóc lub sprawdź od razu nasze oferty pracy.

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